Streaming music- not the end all music solution but one main advantage?

I noticed here on Agon that there are audiophiles who dislike streaming and some who like it. Some who hate digital and only like analog (think turntables and vinyl). Many who hate MQA and some that really listen to many MQA titles. Also some who really like the technical superiority of some equipment over others and really dig specs and others who trust their ears more.
What I like about streaming is the VAST every growing list of songs, artists and albums I can audition. I cannot own all this music in my home library and I cannot add 50-100 new albums daily. To me, for one who puts music before the equipment, this is the greatest advantage of streaming music.... I am much much more exposure to music. I don’t need to own it, but after a listen to a new artist, new song or new album that the I MUST have, I can buy the digital download or the analog version. What say you...about streaming?
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2x2psyop
Streaming is my main source of music. If you'd told me ten years ago this would be my primary music source I'd have been shocked. I like Tidal and would like to try Quobuz and  Roon someday.
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@mental ,
I own the original Nodes, and when I asked Bluesound, they said it made no difference in sound quality if I used an external DAC.
The one big difference between the Node 1/2 and the new 2i is the ability to use the 5ghz wifi band. I did a work around using a Netgear product and have my Node's using the less populated 5ghz band with no dropouts.
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I got bored this morning so I switched the Aries to wireless,( my router is less than 6 months old so 5ghz).
I honestly could not tell any difference going back and forth between wired and wireless.

Just a test as will be sticking with wired as I have a hub in my music room to feed both dacs, the tv and the bluray.