Tweeter Capacitor Upgrade (Coincident PREs)

Hi all, looking to upgrade the Solen 4.7uF 100V caps that filter the low frequencies out of the Accuton tweeters on my Coincident PREs.  Started by looking at Duelund's, but PartsConnection doesn't even list prices for a lot of the models (or is out of stock) at that value... that motivated me to try and collect some impressions from the group.

Apparently Isreal is using Mundorfs in that position at this point.

As always, thanks for the input.
And to go back to the thread... regarding the capacitors, I did decide to remove the Duelund bypass caps (.01uF AG) last night. They seemed to improve the tonality of the Clarity cap (a bit "richer" high frequencies), but I was also hearing some smearing that was irritating me.  I haven't done the full A/B, but I do think that removing them cleared things up a bit.  Curious to hear the Jupiters next week.
Hey Cal,

Did you try 0.1uF Audyn True Copper?

I feel 0.01uF is way to little. I've had 4x that and had no effect at all, also Duelund silvers.

I suggest you try the Audyn's because the value is right (0.1uF) and relatively cheap ($20  / each) 
If you hear no useful improvement, and you are on the border, then I'd give up on anything else.
I  meant:

4uF is the border for Clarity CMR. Above that, bypassing helps, below that it does not. 
4.7 uF ..... is right close. So it's worth trying but in the end you may find it's not worth it.
Hi @cal3713 ,

Did you give break-in to Duelund bypass?
They need more then 100 hours. 
I feel 0.01uF is way to little
I have Multicap RTX bypasses (~1%) on my Clarity CSAs. On well-recorded music this sounds fantastic. Excellent transients with resolution and transparency for days. But poorly recorded music can sound "cool", even thin, most notably on vocals. I’m wondering if a double bypass or different bypass cap might add a bit more flesh or hint of warmth. The Jupiter copper foil at 0.01 uF caught my interest but your post has me second guessing. Two questions:
a) do you think a different bypass or double bypass would result in the sound I seek?
b) if yes, more likely to get a good result with Jupiter double bypass at 0.01 uF or Audyn TC Max at ~1%.