Why not horns?

I've owned a lot of speakers over the years but I have never experienced anything like the midrange reproduction from my horns. With a frequency response of 300 Hz. up to 14 Khz. from a single distortionless driver, it seems like a no-brainer that everyone would want this performance. Why don't you use horns?
Weseixas, if you want to quote someone, you use the brackets around the word 'quote'. Once you are done with the quote, you use the brackets again, this time around the word '/quote'

I can even quote myself:
like this

Sometimes its difficult to see what you are saying, since its hard to know if you are quoting someone or not.
Hello 06-28-10: Learsfool,

Yes one mans euphoria can be another's anathema, so i do agree with you ...
Hello Ralph,

Thanks for the lesson, i was not aware of such " American " education yuh know ...

'Again , everyone has there own preference, Maybe if you like small wattage tube amplifiers, this is your gig, maybe the only gig, they do not work for me...'

I prefer SS amps with my horns.
Yes Gawdbless,

A pity it took you this long to figure that out :)

Still open to this eye awakening episode . I'm not adverse to being proven wrong, give me a name of the horn speaker combo i need to be listening to 2 and i will attempt to do so, maybe all the ones from my list were never setup right,

I should also inform you, that most of those with the horn
systems listed were all exposed to what a good dipole system can do and to the man , they have all admitted not being there with their Horn setups, the last one as recently as last month, from a friend who is a recent horn convert and less just say after the comparison they are still tweaking ... LOL...

Convert me guys, Please do , i will enjoy the journey,,,,
