Need DAC/Streaming Advice

I currently own a Bryston BDP-2 digital player that I run through a Bryston DAC.  As far as playing high resolution files via a thumb drive or other external drive, the BDP-2 sounds great.  The streaming part leaves a lot to be desired.  I can stream Tidal but it is extremely slow and the IPad controller is pretty lousy.  I can listen to Sonos through the DAC into my main system but obviously there is no hi-Rez via Sonos. I would like to find a better solution and am willing to start over (I can move the Bryston components to my secondary system).  What I would like to find is a higher end streamer for my main system that would allow me to stream Tidal, Spotify and Deezer if possible while also playing digital files via thumb drive etc. I have no idea if that can be done in a one box solution or if I would need a separate streamer and DAC.  I would very much appreciate any and all thoughts.  Thanks in advance.
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I'm not entirely familiar with the Bryston kit, but FWIW if you already have a ripped collection going from that machine via USB to your DAC (I run a Win10 machine into the Brooklyn DAC+) and stream via Roon which does Tidal as well as Qobuz in addition to accessing my FLAC archives. 

I have a Blusound Node 2 and it's great but the sound coming from the same things directly to the Brooklyn are far superior to my ears.  Trying to figure out where else in the house I should put it now ... I never had any connection issues and used Gigabit ethernet. 

@johnkay74 - if you don't have Roon, what's the best way to stream Apple music from Allo Digi One? I really don't want to use Airplay as I believe it compromises on the sound. Also I want to stick with Apple music because of everyone in the family using it. 
Currently I am streaming from my Apple TV to OPPO 105 digital out (to split the HDMI sound) into my Benchmark DAC. Sounds really good but I've heard Digi One takes to another level. Any help or direction will be greatly appreciated. Thanks, 
@ghulamr I don't think there's any direct option to stream Apple Music from one source to another except using AirPlay. You'd have to convert the digital output or perform digital audio capture from an Apple Music source (e.g. your computer) for transmission over a network-compatible audio transport protocol going to some other device. Or use a long digital cable.
This is a pretty robust and enjoyable discussion. I have a Bryston BDA-3 feeding a Bryston 17B3 feeding two Bryston 4B3 monoblocks feeding a pair of Magnepan 1.7i Speakers. Given the above what would be the best streamer of the following: NAD Masters Series M50.2 (A Blusound unit that can also rip CDs. I am hoping that the Blusound streaming would be better than a Node 2i) OR a Roon Nucleus OR the Bryston BDP-3 and why? Thanks!
My bias would be the Bryston BDP-3, as that is the call I just made, but I just picked up the BDP-3 and haven’t had a chance to set it up yet, so check back with me in a few weeks.  I am hoping for synergy with the BDA-3 and that the unit as a whole will be more stable than Bluesound, and hopefully, considering the increased price relative to Bluesound, it will sound better.
  With the NAD you are confined to the Blue OS app, and while it isn’t bad, with the Bryston there are at least two possible ways to control it.
Actually I don’t know that much about the NAD, so perhaps it can be used with another app...worth investigating.