Confused State of affairs: CD player

Strange that I am caught up in this quandary in this digital streaming age. I currently have an Oppo BDP-95 as my CD player and Blue-Ray video player. It plays through a coax connect to my Auralic Vega G2 DAC with a HDMI connect to my TV with HDMI audio off. The sound seems good through my B&W 800D3 with McIntosh C1100 pre-Amp/ MC1.25KW mono blocks. So I don’t use the Oppo DAC in the current set-up.

I visited the McIntosh dealer today and really liked the MCD600 playing on his set-up. Question to the group here:

Should I be looking to upgrade my Music CD player from the Oppo?
If yes, should I be looking at a transport MCT500 and let the Auralic Vega G2 (DAC) play on like the set-up with the Oppo. This will remove any possibility of playing a SACD through the set-up as the MCT500 (like the Oppo) does not pass on the DSD quality through its coax.
Or should I go in with the MCD600 which has a built-in DAC and connect it to my C1100 and then retain the option of playing a SACD?

Price difference between the options is $2,500 between the MCT500 and MCD600 as I end up having two high quality DACs in my system (3 if I count the Oppo which I will have to retain due to Blue-Ray video).

I do not have the option to demo either of the MCT500 or MCD600 against the Oppo to compare and I listen to CD music around 2 hours a week, so not too much and not too little.

I want to have the best sounding music from my system, so quality comes before any other consideration. Happy to hear views from people who might have heard through any of the above combos.

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@sudhirgoel, no I have not heard either of the CD players in question but out of all the ones I have heard (Kenwood, Sony, Arcam, Marantz, Cambridge etc) my experience is that the differences in sound quality were minimal. And not related to cost either.

Whether there is an actual difference between the BDP-95 and MCD600 you can only determine by comparing the two side by side, and I can only give you my opinion.

I hope this helps.

No experience with the Mac, so I can't say if that specific piece will be "better".  I have my Oppo 203 playing through my Auralic Vega and it sounds very good, but my Marantz KI-Pearl sounds much better and it plays SACD. 

If you want to take a step up in sound quality, there are better players than Oppo, and if SACD is important to you, then you need to make a change. 

That's unfortunate you can't get an in-home demo of the Mac.  Look into what the return policy is.
Stick with what you have, the sound coming out of your speakers won’t be audibly different, and probably barely measureably different.

With a good DAC, a $100 player sounds the same as a $50,000 transport.
Thanks again all. 

elizabeth - The Marantz SA-10 seems just like the MCD600 with a built-in DAC. Is a CD spinner a CD transport? Sorry I can't make out what the different terms mean.

cd318 - I have decided to take my Oppo BDP-95 to the dealer and test it out there side by side with the MCD600. Thanks for having a strong view on this.

big_greg - So you are saying that the MCD600 will have an audible difference to the Oppo just like you see a difference between the Oppo and the Marantz.

mzkmxcv - Ok and I should know soon. The dealer is insisting the difference will be huge, not just a bit.