Tweeter Capacitor Upgrade (Coincident PREs)

Hi all, looking to upgrade the Solen 4.7uF 100V caps that filter the low frequencies out of the Accuton tweeters on my Coincident PREs.  Started by looking at Duelund's, but PartsConnection doesn't even list prices for a lot of the models (or is out of stock) at that value... that motivated me to try and collect some impressions from the group.

Apparently Isreal is using Mundorfs in that position at this point.

As always, thanks for the input.
@alexberger  Yeah, everything's got about 150-200 on it.  

I'm open to bypassing, but do wonder whether I will always hear some smearing.  There's just that one capacitor between the amps and my accutons... introducing two paths of different lengths seems like it might always reduce coherence.  
@erik_squires Thanks for the suggestion on the Audyns Erik.  Depending on how the Jupiters work out, I may give them a shot.  My only hesitation is that I didn't have the problem of hearing "nothing" upon adding the lower value bypass... (see above comment)
Hi @cal3713 ,

I use Duelund bypass Cu-Sn in my HF crossover - bypassing 3.9uF Duelund RS and in the output of my phonostage -  bypassing 1uF Jupiter Cu.
And before Duelund RS I used Duelund bypass Cu-Sn bypassing vintage oil 4uF capacitor in HF crossover .
I all 3 cases I don't hear any dividing of sound by parts so typical for capacitors bypassing. In addition to that, most of LP records and CDs sound very pleasant and musical. Even some records that didn't sound  pleasant before bypassing!

@brownsfan  etc.  Finally got the Jupiters into my system this week (after burning in for 100-150 hours).  They were so big that I had to run a wire from the tweeter out of the rear port on the PRE's head units and fashion an external crossover, but wow do they sound great.  

It's a travesty that these speakers ship with solen caps at their list price.  I'd say this is a mandatory upgrade for any other owners.  

I also tried the Duelund bypass caps on the Jupiters and again thought it caused some phasiness and mild distortion.  So I'm with @grannyring that they should stay out of the speaker crossovers.

Thanks for all the recommendations.  It's nice to see that the top vote getter was also a great choice.

Again, for any other PRE owners out there, this is really a huge leap forward in performance.
Hey @Cal3713
Glad to hear you are so happy. :)

Listen, can you tell me what your experience is comparing the Clarity with the Jupiters?
