A tubed integrated amp for Joseph Audio Pulsars?

I'm running a modified Jolida 502B integrated of long use with my Pulsars. Thinking it's near time to try something new. I want to continue in the tube integrated realm and it's very hard to get a take-home amp to test. I'm interested in synergy and an amp with the ability to handle more demanding passages. I love a grand, full, tactile mid-range, but don't want to skirt elsewhere. A little tempo is important. Flabby bass unforgivable if it comes out of tight, little speakers like these. Extension? Soundstaging?  Bring it!
I have a hard time understanding what kind of power I need for these Pulsars, knowing not all wattage is created equally. So I worry about attractive amps like Leben or Luxman or anything not over 50w, even though that worry might be unfounded. I want to make magic. So, what's a perfect fit? Who has been down this road with these speakers and has tales to tell and guidance to share? Under $10K, please.Oh, and it's got to be built to last for-evah.
Is a tube amp the best pairing with the JAs in terms of synergy?  I was thinking the sensitivity in the 83db range may not be optimal but I suppose with enough power the pairing becomes less problematic.  
From Soundstage Hi-Fi: "The Pulsar is, at least on paper, a uniform and benign load with a nominal impedance of 8 ohms that never drops below 6 ohms -- perfect for tube amps."

So, the sensitivity and that statement appear to be in contrast, which is one of the primary reasons I’m seeking guidance here.
Thanks for the amp choices. Have you all ever actually driven the Pulsars with those amps?