A tubed integrated amp for Joseph Audio Pulsars?

I'm running a modified Jolida 502B integrated of long use with my Pulsars. Thinking it's near time to try something new. I want to continue in the tube integrated realm and it's very hard to get a take-home amp to test. I'm interested in synergy and an amp with the ability to handle more demanding passages. I love a grand, full, tactile mid-range, but don't want to skirt elsewhere. A little tempo is important. Flabby bass unforgivable if it comes out of tight, little speakers like these. Extension? Soundstaging?  Bring it!
I have a hard time understanding what kind of power I need for these Pulsars, knowing not all wattage is created equally. So I worry about attractive amps like Leben or Luxman or anything not over 50w, even though that worry might be unfounded. I want to make magic. So, what's a perfect fit? Who has been down this road with these speakers and has tales to tell and guidance to share? Under $10K, please.Oh, and it's got to be built to last for-evah.
beeswax they are at Deja Vu in VA that is where I heard the Synthesis A40 they are a Synthesis dealer.
Beeswax we have have never had an 
Issue with any of our  Synthesis display products  they have been very reliable.

If you are in our neighborhood come take a listen the 100t is a special product.

Dave and Troy
Audio Doctor Nj

Great speakers!  There's a nice VAC Sigma 160iSE available here (with extra tubes) now for $7500, which looks like half of retail so you can probably resell at little loss if for some reason she don't work out.  Reason I'm recommending VAC is I believe that they have a reputation for handling bass very well for tubes, they're built like tanks, and are said to have very good customer service.  Maybe read some reviews and see if you think it'd tickle your ivorys.  

As a possibly useless aside, I got to hear top VAC, VTL, and Zanden electronics back to back driving Grand Utopia speakers.  For my tastes VTL was a little to cold, Zanden a little too warm, but the VAC seemed juuuuuust right.  All three designers were there for the demo, and in the Q+A afterwards Kevin Hayes was extremely impressive in the level of his knowledge and his ability to explain complex issues. 

So, as a big fellow JA fan (I've heard just about all of'em) and hopeful future owner, if I was looking for an integrated I'd be leaning VAC's way hard if I couldn't audition in person.  But, I'd more likely contact Don Sachs and have him build me one of his preamps and amps if I didn't absolutely need an integrated.  Apparently his tube amps are something special, especially with how they handle bass.  Just had to muddy the waters a bit.  Heh heh.  Best of luck in whatever you decide.  BTW, what interconnects and cables are you using?  Cardas?

Both Synthesis and VAC look very interesting. This is getting tougher than craft beer!
SOIX, you are so enthusiastic! Yeah, I'm a JA fan. I moved up from the RM25si Signature to the Pulsars. I have just loved them from the get-go, although if I lived in a big house I might have horn speakers.
That said, I went to Capital Audiofest a few years ago and dropped "The Legendary Buster Smith" on them in the room showcasing JA Pearls/Luxman and mouths just dropped. What a grand combo that was. Moved into the Pulsar room next door and tried the same song. Obviously not the same, but I knew the Pulsars were the magic I wanted. It was them or Harbeth, and I think I bit on the dynamism of the Pulsars a little hard. No regrets, though, really. Interconnects by Kimber. Speaker cable is in old pair of Straightwire Maestro that one day might get replaced.

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