My room is specially designed and treated. However, it does not require anything special in the room to hear the difference between 20psec of jitter and 7psec of jitter. It only requires a system with a really low noise floor and low distortion, such as my own. My system has zero ground-loops and minimal analog stages. One analog stage in the DAC and two stages in the tube SET monoblock amplifiers. Simple is better.
What? I never said this.
The plot you show is still through a DAC, not a direct measurement.
Send me the Topping converter and I’ll post the actual jitter from it.
I recently tested two other USB converters that are well-regarded, including the Singxter SU-1. The Jitter from the Singxer was 4nsec and the other was 500psec. A far cry from the 10psec from my own USB converter.
Steve N.
Empirical Audio
You state the 96dB of dynamic range that undithered 16Bit offers is too low.
What? I never said this.
The plot you show is still through a DAC, not a direct measurement.
Send me the Topping converter and I’ll post the actual jitter from it.
I recently tested two other USB converters that are well-regarded, including the Singxter SU-1. The Jitter from the Singxer was 4nsec and the other was 500psec. A far cry from the 10psec from my own USB converter.
Steve N.
Empirical Audio