Will Technology Kill the Audiophile Hobby?

Imagine audio technology in 2,000 years.

Maybe your stereo is the size of a deck of cards. Speakers are invisible. Cables are not used. Active room treatment built into the walls.

Is that the end of our hobby and fascination with audio gear? 
Is our identity in the big blocks of metal and wood? What happens to us?

Its also possible, bar a few specialist groups that still know how to play an instrument, that new music will be so much worse than the rubbish broadcast on mainstream radio now, that you wouldent want to listen to it anyhow. The origonal tapes of the quality music made in the last fifty years will have deteriorated and all we have left are low sampled digital copies. I can see music lovers having a synthesiser that produces music in the genre that is selected. Maybe with thousands of digital backtracks.
2000 years in the future? Think Guardians of the Galaxy, mix-tape, cassette player....all you need to know! And a new version of Iggy and the Stooges will be plugged into intergalactic overdriven amplifiers blasting rebellion against everything, sending multi-dimensional soundwaves across the universe, while Captain Beyond jumps on a moon-beam and rides.......as some outsiders are holed-up in a cave reverse-engineering tube amps found in a scrap heap....
I love this thread. :-)

2000 years in the future:

"Hello, my name is Equality 2936514, and your's?"  ... "Me? Oh, my name is Equality 42967831." 

"Well, Equality 42967831, have you ever wondered what lies beyond the great perimeter? ... the line over which we are not allowed to cross? Is it true what they say, that that is where the savage 'Mud People" live?" 

"It must be true, Equality 2936514 because the Central Authority says it's so. Those who have come before us said it's so as well. And beyond the 'Mud People,' there is nothing but devastation and ruins, for that is where the perpetual wars have been raging for the last 500 years. It's dangerous and means death to go beyond the line. If the 'Mud People' don't kill you, and you are caught beyond the line, the Central Authority will."

2000 years in the future, there will be no need for border walls, as there will be no borders. The borders, as they always have been, will be built in the minds of the people. 

What color will your uniform be?

I'm guessing vinyl will be out of fashion by then and rare original pressings can be had for a dollar.