Tekton Design's new THE PERFECT SET equals "goosebumps time"

Just got in house for review for hometheaterreview.com Tekton Design’s new, The Perfect SET, which is close to 100dB efficient and never dips below 8 ohms, which Eric built to be used with SET "flea watt" amplifiers. It is a front ported design using a 12 inch woofer and his patented array of small transducers that function as a midrange driver with a single tweeter in the middle. I set them up in a system with a great 2A3 SET amplifier and found them so superlative I did not stop listening for over five hours! Taking about "goosebump time" the music was so beautiful that
I lost track of time.

These speakers have all the virtues of the other Tekton speakers, speed, utter transparency/micro-details, great soundstaging, and that special "aliveness" that I experience when I listen to my Ulf’s. What really amazed me was what the Perfect SET was delivering on the bottom end frequencies, subterrainian/taut powerful bass, that was shaking the room, all coming from at most 2.5 to 3 watts.

If you love SET amplifiers this speaker is a match made in heaven, and remember this pair just arrived and is not totally burnt in yet.

Suggest monitors quash the several posters here slinging “black bile” at teajay and Eric Alexander presenting no facts or evidence; merely wanton heresay. What these d2girl, rotaries, kosst amojan, mission coonery are doing is slander and libel by legal definition as I believe was pointed out by steakster. Audiogon, you are ruining your own site by allowing folks to cast unwarranted bile against a respected reviewer and manufacturers. Best, mikirob 

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10” woofer cannot recreate subterranean or any infrasonic noises. Hyperbole at its finest.
@invictus005 --  "People" are not "shilling and peddling this stuff non stop on this forum." 

This forum is for members to share their experiences related to high end audio. Sometimes members publish reviews. Sometimes they post questions. Sometimes they share feedback, or concerns. It has been this way for years. If Eric Alexander regularly published lengthy promotional posts for his speakers in the forum, your claim might have some validity, but he does not, so your claims are flatly false. No one else gains a thing from posting their enthusiasm for the speakers. Why you and the other Tekton detractors continue to fail to grasp this very simple and obvious point is baffling. If you have some actual evidence to the contrary, then let's hear it.

On the other hand, there are perhaps half a dozen--maybe a couple more--of you who have very little, if any, first-hand experience with the speakers, and yet appear on a regular basis to disparage both the speakers and the company by repeating and often exaggerating some of the complaints some of have made over and over, ad infinitum.

As the owner of three different pairs of Tekton speakers--the Double Impacts, the Double Impact SEs, and currently the Encores--I find the speakers to be excellent, and true contenders at every price point. If there is a better pair of speakers than the Encores in the $8K price range, I would love to hear them. For my taste and listening preferences, they are amazing. In all three cases, my speakers were flawlessly finished and shipped in a timely fashion. 

As for the number of threads dedicated to Tekton, this can be attributed to the popularity of the speakers, as well as the different models that may appeal to different members, depending on their budget, their amplification, their particular tastes, etc. If you don't want to read them, the scroll feature functions perfectly. But you are out of line to suggest that members should not post threads if they seek information or input on particular models they are interested in, and you have no basis for your speculation of what "members are tired of." Do not presume to speak for me, or other members.