Thank you Kosst_Amojan,
Your black bile towards me personally and professionally validates that I'm living up to my credo on informing/sharing information on less well known small companies that create inexpensive gear that people can afford and enjoy.
If some one with your entrenched closed minded, hostile narrative actually was a fan of my reviewing, I would be very concerned that I had lost my integrity and my vision. So, thanks for giving me the feedback that I'm still on the right course!
Your black bile towards me personally and professionally validates that I'm living up to my credo on informing/sharing information on less well known small companies that create inexpensive gear that people can afford and enjoy.
If some one with your entrenched closed minded, hostile narrative actually was a fan of my reviewing, I would be very concerned that I had lost my integrity and my vision. So, thanks for giving me the feedback that I'm still on the right course!