Elizabeth is correct in all aspects with one respectful correction. And by the Elizabeth you could teach me volumes on AV...
Contents Coverage B or personal property,
does not have a “co-insurance penalty” clause as does Building coverage A does. While you are required depending on the carrier to carry 80-100% of replacement cost on your home, your contents has no % that is required. You could have $50k contents but only carry $25k contents and still get full recovery on a $25k loss. The exception is the federal government with National flood insurance, carry 100% across the board or FEMA might get you!
38 year SF agency owner
Contents Coverage B or personal property,
does not have a “co-insurance penalty” clause as does Building coverage A does. While you are required depending on the carrier to carry 80-100% of replacement cost on your home, your contents has no % that is required. You could have $50k contents but only carry $25k contents and still get full recovery on a $25k loss. The exception is the federal government with National flood insurance, carry 100% across the board or FEMA might get you!
38 year SF agency owner