Is anything better than the Accuphase T-100?

I've had an Accuphase T-100 for slightly less than ten years now and listen to it daily.  Every time I listen to it, I can't help but to think about how amazing it is.  The soundstage width, depth, instrument separation, and tone is so good.  It's much better than my CD player.  Is there anything else that's in the same league?  I have space on my rack and listen to so much FM radio that I thought it might be fun to get another tuner, possibly tube, to switch back and forth when the mood strikes.  I'm intrigued by some of the vintage tube tuners out there, but don't want to waste my time unless I know that it's at least equal in performance to the Accuphase.

So, if you have experience with the great Accuphase T-100 and something else that's just as good or better, please let me know what the other tuner is and how it compares.  I would love to hear about it!
I had one as well, back when i listened to fm radio... for a different sound (not necessarily better, just different) you could try an old tube Macintosh. A friend has one & it sounds very warm, lush & seductive - dont recall the model, sorry
I’ve owned many tuners over the years including that outstanding Accuphase. The Sansui TU-919 ranks as one of the best that I have owned!!
You can google, “Tuner Information Center” and you will find reviews of almost every tuner made. Remember, that it’s just someone’s opinion but very useful if you are making a serious analysis. FWIW, if I recall, it purports that a vintage Kenwood tuner was the best tuner of all time. OK, whatever! Still, it’s a serious review and worth checking out.
There was something special about Sansui Tuners that I could never identify, but I liked them the best.