
Anyone attending the Expo in Tampa this weekend?
I am going this weekend. I recently moved to Tampa from Illinois. I have attended Axpona in Chicagoland the last several years. I know the show will be a lot smaller here but I hope it gains traction and comes back and gets bigger every year.
Spent 8 hours at the show today... almost every room sounded good and the wait to get to a prime listening position was never longer than 10 minutes. 

Best budget speaker sound... to my ears were the Ryan speakers room... the Soundfield Speakers Room... and the Sonetto/project Room.

there was good sounding digital... good sounding analog... good sounding solid state... and good sounding tube..

a day well spent!!
Florida Audio Expo - Further thoughts:
one higher price "budget room" that sounded absolutely beautiful
1.  room 516...a la carte productions  VPI table with ortofon 2m blue, into a Creek Audio Evolution 50A into Spendor Audio A7 loudspeaker...$9800...great looking, taking up minimal space and really musical.
2.  room 516...same people...same system...except with the Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Baby Grande SE  $9800+$1500 more for the Viennas (which retail for $6600)..slightly more bite...slightly more punch...slightly less 3d but really, really nice.

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Florida Audio Expo...High End...High Price...Great Sound
Here were some of the standouts that tweaked my ears:
1.  Soundfield Audio CTAI loudspeakers with Harmon dsp processing system
2.  Volti Rival loudspeakers, Border Patrol Electronics, Triode Lab wires
3.  Martin Logn Neolith powered by the Parasound Halo Integrated
4.  Kef Blades powered by Bob Carver tubes
5.  Paradigm Persona powered by Anthem
6.  Vienna Acoustic Liszt powered by DSA class A solid state