Recommendation on power amp

I would like recommendations for a power amp for my system which comprises of 
theta digital gen viii series 3 preamp/dac, ayre cx-5xe mp CD player, LUMIN mini u1 streamer, kef blade 2 with a pair of jl audio f113v2 connected with a jl audio cr-1 active crossover, kimber cables , rega rp8 turntable , parasound jc-3 phono stage.
currently using a pair of parasound jc-1 . Thinking of ayre mx-r twenty . Would like recommendations on compatibility of the ayre with the above system .
thanks everyone in advance .

dznutz, I’m 100% in agreement about the helpful posts of Audiotroy. I think what you will find is that those posting against them are jealous of Audio Doctor’s business success and equipment knowledge.

Their "protecting us against the evil salesmen" routine is rather stale.
What we need are fewer dealers whose every post turns into a lengthy infomercial.
Correction, twoleftears, if they are too informative for you and one or two others to process their content stick with the posts you are interested in. A lot of us find they provide insight into equipment matching and quality.

As I said above, your "protecting us against the evil salesmen" routine is rather stale. You sound like your jealous of Audio Doctor's professional success.  
I got a pair of mx-r twenties for my system to replace the jc-1.
will use for a week and let everyone know how they sound.
the krell sounded a little too aggressive for me . Made music sound loud not smooth and delicate. I preferred the ayre.
thanks everyone for all the advice and recommendations 
Another note, during the comparison I realized that the krell sounds very similar to the parasound jc-1 and I couldn’t justify the “upgrade”  
but that’s me .