How to DIY yourself very nice Class D monoblocks

If you want to know what the hoopla is about Class D and want to put together a very nice sounding kit I have a starter recommendation for you.

Go to Parts Express and search for "ICEPower ASP"
Next, look online for Ghent Audio. They make many sets of cases.

You'll need a high power soldering iron, and screw skills.
Between those two, you can put together a very nice monoblock for around $500 a piece.

I highly recommend both. I have no financial interest in either. 
You may need wiring kits, so make sure to order appropriately.
Thanks to all on all the posts here. After doing some researching and reading the posts above, I pulled the trigger on Hypex nCore NC400 mono kit (x2). I'm not an electronic engineer but I figured that if Bel Canto went with Hypex on their recents amps, then they are probably better. The pair of kits include everything, require no soldering, and cost $1540.00 in US dollars including overseas shipping. I can afford taking a chance at this price and have a feeling I made a good decision. I'll return here when I get this installed and let you know how it compares to Krell FPB300. Thanx again, Frank
What are you guys doing to get around the low input impedance of the ASP modules? I think it’s around 7-8K ohms. My preamp’s output impedance is 200 ohms. That's not good, right?
What are you guys doing to get around the low input impedance of the ASP modules? I think it’s around 7-8K ohms. My preamp’s output impedance is 200 ohms. That's not good, right?

Hi @Ketchup,
200 should be fine!! It's usually recommended that there be a 10:1 ratio, so you'd have more than enough.


I think it’s around 7-8K ohms. My preamp’s output impedance is 200 ohms. That’s not good, right?
Your good with that, but these amp manufacturers that insist on inputs that low need to be beaten around the head, as no passives or most tube actives will drive these silly low input impedance’s.
There was a sort of unspoken standard for a while which was 47kohm or higher. I think 100kohm should be made the standard.
Hell Rogue Audio on most of their poweramps are 1megohm!!!

Cheers George