I built the same amp about 1.5 yrs ago. Pink resistors, SGO boutique coupling caps etc. It is a great sounding amp.
I drive Heresy 3s with it in my bedroom.
What might interest you is PSE mono block. I have a pair being built at this time. I expect to get at least 20W (pentode) depending on my rectifier/output tube setup. Paralleled Single Ended utilizing two output pentodes not 300B. They could be strapped triode or not. Will put you right there in the ballpark.
I drive Heresy 3s with it in my bedroom.
What might interest you is PSE mono block. I have a pair being built at this time. I expect to get at least 20W (pentode) depending on my rectifier/output tube setup. Paralleled Single Ended utilizing two output pentodes not 300B. They could be strapped triode or not. Will put you right there in the ballpark.