How to DIY yourself very nice Class D monoblocks

If you want to know what the hoopla is about Class D and want to put together a very nice sounding kit I have a starter recommendation for you.

Go to Parts Express and search for "ICEPower ASP"
Next, look online for Ghent Audio. They make many sets of cases.

You'll need a high power soldering iron, and screw skills.
Between those two, you can put together a very nice monoblock for around $500 a piece.

I highly recommend both. I have no financial interest in either. 
You may need wiring kits, so make sure to order appropriately.
Hi @ketchup
Not really, but the impedance would drop to 4k.

Most solid state pre amps would have no issues with this at all, but some tube may.

However, maybe what you really want to do is active biamp? Hypex sells active crossover modules as well.

I’m not really interested in active biamping yet. I just learned that the NC400 modules are bridgeable, so it’s possible to use two modules per channel and have double the power. Would the input impedance of two bridged modules also have an input impedance of 4k ohms?
Sorry @Ketchup, I can't imagine the need for bridging those amps, but I do see you increasing your complexity dramatically.

I'm not sure what the impedance would be, but you can find it from their data sheets. 
I'd like to strongly suggest to you that you get a stereo pair, and see if you feel there's any need at all to do more.



      I know you can purchase completed kit amps that contain two HypexNC400 class D modules in each mono block from James Romeyn Music andAudio, LLC in Utah.  I believe his dual mono versions cost about $3K/pair and are powered by the largest Hypex NC1200 switch mode power supply.   
     I've never auditioned the dual monos but he claims the dual mono versions sound better than the regular monos. 
      Several years ago, I talked to James Romeyn at length about having him build a custom pair of mono blocks for me using a single class D Abletec ALC1000-1300 module per case. Abletec has since been purchased by Anaview,another Scandinavian class D module producer and competitor to Hypex and other producers.  Anaview and Pascal class D modules have alternative designs that incorporate power supplies into their modules rather than as separate parts/boards.
     James was very knowledgeable about class D in general and took the time with me in explaining the specific differences between building amps using his Hypex and Ice based modules and other competing modules.
     I think he'll likely be equally helpful in answering your questions.  Here's a link to his website:


I hope this post can save people some time and money.

The Icepower ASP modules being sold by Parts Express are very old technology. I sold mono blocks with the 500 watt modules for $2000 the pair in 2006. Here is a review of them.

The latest Icepower modules (IceEdge 1200AS1 and AS2) are not sold directly to end users but to OEMs only. They are way, way better sounding than any other Icepower module......and even better than Ncore NC400 and NC500 modules. You can buy a complete stereo amp from Europe delivered for a hair over $1000. Click on the British flag on the top right for English version.

Here is a comparison between stock IceEdge and NC500 Nord amps.....both were mono amps:

Look for reply #97.....debit.g

Here is a comparison of a stock stereo IceEdge to modified mono NC400s.

Look for reply #509.....mikeeastman

You might have to log into Audiocircle to read these last two posts as they are in the Intergalactic wastebin files.