OPPO 83SE vs Anthem D1 DACS

For 2 channel audio, any opinions on the Oppo Special Edition DACs vs utilizing the DACs on say an Anthem Statement D1? Since I do a lot of 2 channel listening I was wondering if I should put my money into the Oppo SE version or into a good processor with quality DAC's on board.
Well, the D1 has fairly decent DAC's in it to begin with, that's why you paid the extra money over the AVM40 for to begin with. I've tried about a half dozen or so DAC's with my D2, including the DacMagic, Bel Conto DAC3, MHTD Labs Havana, MHTD Labs Paradesia, Benchmarkd DAC1 and the Musical Fidelity XDAC. The only way that you're going to know for sure is to listen for yourself.
Prpixel, would you sat the Anthem DAC's held their own against the DAC's you mention? I'm not as concerned about Movie sound as I am with 2-channel. However, the Anthem offers some options for room correction which might be an added value for 2 channel, in which case I could get a standard Oppo and use the HDMI for sound to an Anthem. I still have my Audible Illusions L1 tube pre, and I am interested in how the Oppo SE edition would sound analog out to that.
The Havana and Bel Canto DAC's were better. Not a big jump but still audible. Anthems Room Correction can cure a lot of ill's. If your room is not setup correctly then it can be a big help. I had Rives Audio tune my room, so ARC in two channel wasn't a big jump. However, in surround it has made the dialog much better and has really help with the overall surround experience.

I've never heard the Oppo.
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I appreciate the responses. I may just spring for the SE and see what happens. Might be an interesting comparison to see if 2-channel out of the SE to my current pre sounds any different than if it were processed through an Anthem. Either way I can work the room acoustics a bit since it is a dedicated listening area. The real question will be which Processor at that point.