Is DEQX a game changer?

Just read a bit and it sure sounds interesting. Does it sound like the best way to upgrade speakers?
Hi Steve,

For the speaker calibration measurements what I initially tried was placing large sound-absorbent panels behind and to the sides of the measurement mic, with each speaker having been moved to the center of the room for purposes of that measurement.  The panels were placed something like one or two feet from the mic.  That did NOT provide good results, because reflections from the panels themselves, while small in amplitude, were so close in arrival time time to the direct sound that the "booth" did more harm than good.

I then placed the panels against the nearest reflective surfaces.  One being a stone fireplace on the wall on one side, and the other being a large piece of furniture on the other side.  That was definitely worthwhile in my case, as the room is only 13 feet wide and the piece of furniture (actually an antique radio/phono console) extends out about 2.5 feet from the wall on that side.

In your case whether doing something similar would be worthwhile presumably depends on the distance to the nearest walls or other large surfaces, and their reflectivity.  Perhaps consider trying it initially without any such measures, and see on the resulting impulse response/time-domain plots how many milliseconds from the direct sound arrivals you can "window" the measurements, before reflections become prominent. 

In my case, if I recall correctly the duration of the "window" I applied to the measurements was limited by reflections from the ceiling, occurring about 8 ms after the direct sound arrival.  (Reflections from the floor were not significant because in addition to it being covered with a thick rug, when making the measurements I had placed a pillow on it, directly in front of the speakers). 

The panels I used were these:

Good luck!  Regards,
-- Al

Thanks Al.  I have several panels like that mounted to my walls and under my TT platform.  I also have some home made ASC tubes I considered using, placing two on each side, forming a triangular effect.  I will have to raise them about a foot, to get them around my high frequency drivers.  I'm excited and looking forward to hearing how the DEQX sounds.  Will let you know how it goes.
Thanks for getting back to me.

DEQX turns out to be a no go
I returned the deqx premate plus today.  It sounded good, but didn't improve my over all sound that much.  Because I use two monoblocks, there was no alignment of time, concerning the different drivers, but it did do a great job of intergrating my subs.  Larry Owens is a pleasure to work with and must recommend him to anyone entertaining the thought of acquiring a deqx unit.
Thanks for the update, Steve. I’m curious, though, as to why the use of two monoblocks (I assume you meant per channel, in a biamp configuration) would make any difference with respect to the ability of the DEQX to improve the time coherence of the speakers.

Best regards,
-- Al

Before my session with Larry, I was asked to put my speakers on castors, so we could take individual sound readings of each speaker placed in the middle of the room.  Didn’t happen,  Just took a reading of the listening position, with each speaker in their normal place in relation to the listening position. I was also led to believe I would have to gain access to each of the internal crossovers to achieve the time alignment. Didn’t happen. I should mention my best friend passed unexpectedly the day before my session and my head just wasn’t in it,  Larry spent a lot of time setting up my deqx, but didn’t go through many of the steps I thought he would.