Bypass capacitor questions

I have built new crossovers for my Thiels using mostly Clarity CSA caps. On the coax board, the two feeds and subfeed are bypassed with Multicap RTX (~1%). I am super happy with the SQ improvement. Well-recorded music sounds fantastic, just sublime. Really hard to fault, especially at this price point. Excellent transients with resolution and transparency for days; adding the RTX added a bit to the transients and resolution. But poorly recorded music is now more evident than ever and can sound relatively "cool", even thin, most notably on vocals. I’m wondering if a double bypass or different bypass cap might add a bit more flesh or hint of warmth. The Jupiter copper foil at 0.01 uF caught my interest but I’ve read reports that this small of capacitance can be inaudible, as well as reports that it can make a big difference (eg, humblehomemadehifi review of Dueland bypass).

Two questions:

a) do you think a different bypass or double bypass would result in the sound I seek?
b) if yes, more likely to get a good result with Jupiter double bypass at 0.01 uF or, say, Audyn True Copper Max at ~1%.

Budget: something more affordable than Duelands!

The rtx is bypassing a 'clarity cap'?

If so try and go to a single cap of one type.

We don’t know what cap is being bypassed, is the deal.

Your language is a bit imprecise, regarding clarity.
Sorry, I'll try again.
Nearly all of my caps are Clarity CSAs.This includes two caps directly in the coax feed and one subfeed.
These three caps - and no others - include RTX bypass.
I compared, in mono, with and without the RTX to discern their impact on SQ. Then added RTX to both channels.
Without knowing the crossover topology it’s very hard to give you advice.   In general bypassing a dull cap adds sparkle at the expense of phase issues (sibilant sounds move forward) and squeakiness (if bypass caps are too high a value).  Your post is IMO better answered on diyaudio rather than here. 
Btw I wonder how your Thiels have a “coax “board. Are you referring to the PCB that houses the crossover for the mid highs vs the woofer?  
I have repaired botched crossover jobs by people who just swapped in boutique caps into crossovers and blindly followed the 1/100 bypass rule.  The Zobel and the LCR filters do NOT need boutique caps.  The bypass rule normally applies to high voltage regulation and not speaker crossovers. Also size and vibration and cold solder joints are key concerns for diy speaker mods.  Be careful and think twice.