Who invented the terminology: more evidence it was not who you think it was.
One of HP's favorite words/concepts, which he claimed he coined, and wrote a long essay about: "Transparency."
From 1960, a Shure ad: "Shure announces a stereo arm and cartridge that recraates sound with an incredible fidelity, transparency,....."
There goes another concept and word that did not need inventing.
Then listen to any of the 5 Fischer stereo perfectionist systems and you will hear hitherto unattainable tonal purity, STEREO DEPTH (my caps) and realism, a PANARAMIC SWEEP (my caps) of living sound......"
There we have both depth and width imaging concepts clearly described, 13 years before the founding of TAS.
Go to this video and forward to 12 minutes 30 seconds and you will hear the phrase "....to create an illusion of depth and width....."
There we have it: the concepts of imagine, but going by the name "illusion"...I would submit that this is as good a word as "maging". But further, the words "width" and "depth": all that is needed to describe imaging. I suspect that I will also find the words "focus" and "space" used if I search a bit more.
The date of this video: 1957!!!!!
The above is simply to support my original premise that it was not any individual reviewer who invented the concepts and vocabulary, about stereo, and to show that the concepts and vocabulary to describe depth, imaging, transparency, "closest to the live event" were in use before the 70's, when the magazines many think of as having defined high end stereo were founded.
The language and concepts were being developed decades before most readers of this forum assume.
One of HP's favorite words/concepts, which he claimed he coined, and wrote a long essay about: "Transparency."
From 1960, a Shure ad: "Shure announces a stereo arm and cartridge that recraates sound with an incredible fidelity, transparency,....."
There goes another concept and word that did not need inventing.
Then listen to any of the 5 Fischer stereo perfectionist systems and you will hear hitherto unattainable tonal purity, STEREO DEPTH (my caps) and realism, a PANARAMIC SWEEP (my caps) of living sound......"
There we have both depth and width imaging concepts clearly described, 13 years before the founding of TAS.
Go to this video and forward to 12 minutes 30 seconds and you will hear the phrase "....to create an illusion of depth and width....."
There we have it: the concepts of imagine, but going by the name "illusion"...I would submit that this is as good a word as "maging". But further, the words "width" and "depth": all that is needed to describe imaging. I suspect that I will also find the words "focus" and "space" used if I search a bit more.
The date of this video: 1957!!!!!
The above is simply to support my original premise that it was not any individual reviewer who invented the concepts and vocabulary, about stereo, and to show that the concepts and vocabulary to describe depth, imaging, transparency, "closest to the live event" were in use before the 70's, when the magazines many think of as having defined high end stereo were founded.
The language and concepts were being developed decades before most readers of this forum assume.