The Science of Cables

It seems to me that there is too little scientific, objective evidence for why cables sound the way they do. When I see discussions on cables, physical attributes are discussed; things like shielding, gauge, material, geometry, etc. and rarely are things like resistance, impedance, inductance, capacitance, etc. Why is this? Why aren’t cables discussed in terms of physical measurements very often?

Seems to me like that would increase the customer base. I know several “objectivist” that won’t accept any of your claims unless you have measurements and blind tests. If there were measurements that correlated to what you hear, I think more people would be interested in cables. 

I know cables are often system dependent but there are still many generalizations that can be made.
@ ieales

IF it’s not simple, just exactly what wire properties other than LCR affect response?

On page one are three quotes that I had to drag up a steep mountain through a monumental screaming snow storm to this thread to help illuminate the dark subject of cable building. Quite surprised you haven’t seen or read them seeing as they took up a lot of page one. They mention a thing or two outside of LCR (which for cable fundamentalists is The One True Gawd of Cable Building ) that pertains to said building. And yeah those things may be blasphemy for the card carrying Howling, errr, Hallowed True Believers and their various Ayatollahs but we ain’t stringing up old testament telegraph wires or wiring houses here. In fact, according to those quotes this cable building thingee is apparently pretty high falutin’ complisticated stuff but even NASA, the official home of rocket science, has recently bought into. Like it has quantums and phonons and nano-nanoisms and everything is spinning hither and tither. Geez makes my head spin just thinking about it, which I suppose explains the reverence that the Hallowed True Believers have for The One True Gawd of Cable Building. He makes things so easy, so simple, and doesn't make your head spin.

Just sayin’eh
Taras22, give it a rest.  Yes, there is a lot to learn about the universe and quantum gravity.  That does not apply to cables though.  It's just a cottage industry where some people source wire of various grades from the same known wire manufacturers.  They are not out there mining copper and then using some secret process to draw copper wire.  They take widely available wire, put good connectors at the ends and make them look pretty.  That's it.  
Taras22, I appreciate your posts. Good humor with actual information applicable to the subject at hand. Not usually what we find on a cable thread. Keep it up. It always amazes me how much fervor the non hearing equivocate in an effort to convince the hearing they can't.  
@ rotarius

That does not apply to cables though

Ever hear of this thing called super conductors, which last I checked are cables. And these items are the focus of much effort to push the limits of our understanding of lots of things including things that help explain how the reality around us operates at the atomic and sub-atomic levels, which oddly enough tells us a whole lot about the universe writ large.

It’s just a cottage industry where some people source wire of various grades from the same known wire manufacturers .

You might have a point for most generic cables but metallurgy and processing is a big factor in the audiophile cable making endeavor ( and we have experienced this first hand as a supplier moved his base of manufacturing from Japan to Taiwan to started as a great sounding wire and went to high level of mediocrity and finally stopped at absolutely awful ). And lets not even get into the complexities of making and then using liquid metal alloys as conductors which are not at all like wires.

@teo_audio: "It’s good to remember that numbers exist no where in the real world, that numbers are an abstract thing in a human mind. They can never be real. It’s a tool...and it is in charge of exactly nothing. Math can be one of those incredibly dangerous ultimate appeals to authority, if one is not careful."

More flat earth. More hollywood moon landings. The very fact that you are reading and writing in this thread is because numbers are real. Go pound sand.