Laser Disc movies played on Sony XBR Flat sreen??

I can`t be the only one with many Laser Disc movies left from the 90`s (projection unit died long ago).
Can I hook up the Yamaha Laser Disk player to my Sony XBR Flat screen?
I miss the many (50) great movies, some Criterion, I still have.
Any trick to playing them on 21st century equipment?
Thanks for info, Len W
As long as you have a composite video input on the XBR you're in business. An S-Video input will also work if your LD player has an S-video out.

I have a CLD-99 hooked up to a Pioneer 6010 via an S-video connection and it works just fine. The TV will digitize and upscale the video.
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In contrast with almost every other piece of audio or video gear I've owned over the decades, the level of design and parts - and cost - is a huge determinant of the product. There is virtually no "point of diminishing returns" with LD players.

And the difference between the best available players and the next tier can be the difference between "does not look very good" and "nice, usable and very acceptable."

Good outboard processing is also a big factor. Lumagen, for example, can do wonders.

And finally: use the Composite signal. On all but the two very best Japanese machines, the S-Video signal is filtered and processed twice and looks like it. Given its price tag the CLD-99 is particularly unsatisfactory in this regard.