How do the Magnepan 1.7's sound

Anybody hear these at CES and can comment on the sound quality?
I don't think they changed the actual frame, just the trim pieces on the sides are aluminum. Peeking through the grill it appears to be the same MDF base, had magnepan gone to an all aluminum frame there is no way they could have kept the price at 2k. As a current 1.6 owner I will definitely audition them when my dealer has them in stock. I am a little disapointed that the mini maggies have not gotten much press. The one photo I have seen of them looks like they have refined the cosmetics, they look like a shrunk down version of a 1.6.
Seems a little odd to me that it wouldn't sound "more different" from the 1.6 than some seem to be saying. I know it was a "show" room with all the attendant problems and all, and the center channel sure wouldn't help in simply evaluating the 1.7s on their own merit. But seriously...from a 2-way to a 3-way, planar to all quasi-ribbon, and supposedly significantly improved caps and other x-over parts would seem to indicate a more noticeably different sound compared to the 1.6 SHOULD be expected. I'm not necessarily saying better (although that should definitely be expected as well based on Magnepan's history), but certainly at least different.
A musical instrument like the 1.7's need to be evaluated in an appropriate environment and with commensurate electronics. In addition, playing crap through them at a show in a surround setup does little to convey their potential. They are QR's, 3 way with imrproved XO's and a more stable frame....Duh, of course they will sound better! Remember, a Maggie needs significant breakin time as well and should be noted when evaluating them.
I realize speaker sound is subjective, but I found with a nice sub, and a mills resistor, the 1.6's were about as good as any of the 4k-7k speakers Ive owned. Better in some areas, worse in others. Setup isnt hard once you get the right formula, but is insanely important to get these near there best. The supplied resistors stink. Im not one to buy into costly tweaks, but the mills are in another world then the.39 cent supplied resistors.

My ONLY GRIPES on the 1.6 stock sound is that they could use a little more low end(sub) and run pretty hot in the quasi's (resistors). Otherwise incredible. If only we could get a new 2.7 version of a larger bass panel 1.7 :)