mrpostfire - Your room is large, which is great, but its dimensions present some potential standing wave issues. The average ceiling height is the same as the width and the length is double that dimension. That setup is less than ideal.
If there is any way to get your speakers farther from the boundaries, that might help. Also, opening doors is good, especially if near corners and/or center of long walls. As a learning experiment I suggest the following:Your width is fine, although I might try 8' between speakers to give 3.5 to side walls.Length in difficult rooms sometimes works well with golden ratios.
Listening position at 18.5' from wall behind the speakers.Speakers at 10' from wall behind them.That gives 8.5' from speaker line to listening chair.
Or reverse the room end-for-end if better for traffic.
You are then closer to the near-field with generous room all around to delay the room modes relative to the initial direct sound.
If you can try this arrangement, please let us know how it works.
If there is any way to get your speakers farther from the boundaries, that might help. Also, opening doors is good, especially if near corners and/or center of long walls. As a learning experiment I suggest the following:Your width is fine, although I might try 8' between speakers to give 3.5 to side walls.Length in difficult rooms sometimes works well with golden ratios.
Listening position at 18.5' from wall behind the speakers.Speakers at 10' from wall behind them.That gives 8.5' from speaker line to listening chair.
Or reverse the room end-for-end if better for traffic.
You are then closer to the near-field with generous room all around to delay the room modes relative to the initial direct sound.
If you can try this arrangement, please let us know how it works.