Tekton Design's new THE PERFECT SET equals "goosebumps time"

Just got in house for review for hometheaterreview.com Tekton Design’s new, The Perfect SET, which is close to 100dB efficient and never dips below 8 ohms, which Eric built to be used with SET "flea watt" amplifiers. It is a front ported design using a 12 inch woofer and his patented array of small transducers that function as a midrange driver with a single tweeter in the middle. I set them up in a system with a great 2A3 SET amplifier and found them so superlative I did not stop listening for over five hours! Taking about "goosebump time" the music was so beautiful that
I lost track of time.

These speakers have all the virtues of the other Tekton speakers, speed, utter transparency/micro-details, great soundstaging, and that special "aliveness" that I experience when I listen to my Ulf’s. What really amazed me was what the Perfect SET was delivering on the bottom end frequencies, subterrainian/taut powerful bass, that was shaking the room, all coming from at most 2.5 to 3 watts.

If you love SET amplifiers this speaker is a match made in heaven, and remember this pair just arrived and is not totally burnt in yet.

Hey Mikirob—
I have the stock tubes supplied with the amp, and have been thinking about upgrading them, so I would appreciate some recommendations. I was under the impression that the EL34 tubes were Tung Sol, but they are not clearly labeled as such. Considering that the amp ( my first tube amplifier) was only $1500, spending $500 or so in tube upgrades would be worthwhile.  I asked Israel Blume if I could put in a KT77 — an EL34 equivalent — and he advised against. Thinking about Mullard or Tung Sol EL34s, and the Russian 6H9C (black base) , a 6SL7 equivalent that Dick Olsher liked with this amp in TAS review last June.  Which tubes are you using? Best, Dave

If you do decide to try other speakers, consider the Fritz Carrera.    Not efficient on paper but designed to be an  easy load.  I heard them at a show off a flea powered tube amp and was shocked.   Have also heard Tekton Double Impact speakers off similar amp.   Also good, but I think the Fritz are better form and function for a smaller room and the sound is hard to beat IMHO.
Wow— I have been looking at them, but was actually thinking of them for my main system — which doesn’t make a lot of sense, because they would be replacing another 2 way standmount with a beryllium tweeter (Focal Electra 1007 Be). Read some great comments from an audio show. Are they rear ported?  Do you think they would sound okay within a foot of the front wall?  Thank you for the suggestion!!!