Measurements are 100% accurate in predicting sound quality in DACs if you listen to them blind. Knowing the brand, looks, price, etc. all influence your perception, high no one is immune to. If I play the same DAC, one costing $300 in a cheap plastic enclosure and the other costing $3000 in a nice metal enclosure, I bet most people here will say the latter sounds better.
I would not trust measurements very much for dacs, there are very good sounding dacs that don't measure that well and dacs with good measurements that don't seem to sound that well.
Measurements are 100% accurate in predicting sound quality in DACs if you listen to them blind. Knowing the brand, looks, price, etc. all influence your perception, high no one is immune to. If I play the same DAC, one costing $300 in a cheap plastic enclosure and the other costing $3000 in a nice metal enclosure, I bet most people here will say the latter sounds better.