Dear @lewm : I owned 3 original MC2000 and there is nothing special on its cantilever/stylus combination. The real subject in the MC2000 about its quality overall performance belongs to its motor and suspension.
One of my samples was at VDH for a new boron/vDh stylus and performs way better than my originals in the same everything set up.
Nomatters what aluminum camn’t performs with better quality than boron cantilevers and VDH or today stylus shape are way better groove tracers than the " venerable " stylus tip in the MC2000.
Who was whom said that the stylus tip can be fitted by pressure in aluminum cantilevers instead glued?. Was not a re-tipper but J.Carr but things are that Lyra cartridges were and are not designed with aluminum cantilevers because J.Carr is not " crazy " as some of us ( including me because I re-tipped in the " old times " some vintage cartridges with aluminum as material in the cantilevers: go figure ! Yes, a stupid action. Fortunatelly I learned and fix my mistakes. ) inexpert audiophiles. Period.
Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,
One of my samples was at VDH for a new boron/vDh stylus and performs way better than my originals in the same everything set up.
Nomatters what aluminum camn’t performs with better quality than boron cantilevers and VDH or today stylus shape are way better groove tracers than the " venerable " stylus tip in the MC2000.
Who was whom said that the stylus tip can be fitted by pressure in aluminum cantilevers instead glued?. Was not a re-tipper but J.Carr but things are that Lyra cartridges were and are not designed with aluminum cantilevers because J.Carr is not " crazy " as some of us ( including me because I re-tipped in the " old times " some vintage cartridges with aluminum as material in the cantilevers: go figure ! Yes, a stupid action. Fortunatelly I learned and fix my mistakes. ) inexpert audiophiles. Period.
Regards and enjoy the MUSIC NOT DISTORTIONS,