Hi jtcf
I make several types of acoustical/mechanical designs. The first one introduced was the RoomTune pillow product. RT is a two sided pillow, one side burn and one side live. In almost all cases the "live" side faces the room while the "burn" side faces the wall.
Next was the RoomTune Deluxe which allows listeners to zone their room. Still live side burn side. The live side faces the listener in most cases and the burn side acts as an acoustical barricade, or stop sign, for the unwanted pressure. The RTD became the standard for floorstanding tuning and that’s when "pressure zoning" took off, replacing LEDE. RT floorstanding products started what was called by TAS the "Tuning Revolution" which sent me around the world introducing folks to a more involved way of listening.
At that time I presented three concepts that better explained how the room works for the listener. One is "Laminar Flow", next "Corner and Seam Loading Control" and third "Pressure Zones", and gave the hobby a new term "RoomTuning". The thing to keep in mind is at that time we didn’t have the internet, so the talking about these types of things were done through the magazines.
There were 3 acoustical guys back then (besides killing the sound products like Sonex). One was ASC "trapping", second RPG "defusing" and RoomTune "tuning". If you look through the Michael Green’s "TuneLand" forum you’ll find a blend of products, RoomTune, PZC, SoundShutters, all the way up to an actual "Tunable Room".
With the PZC specifically, it is a Pressure Zone Controller, a tunable barricade system that replaces the sound coming off of the room’s structure. Before the room’s loading has a chance to activate the PZC grabs the energy and converts it to two things. One is the acoustical pressure and the other is the mechanical vibratory structure of energy. If you walk into a "Tuned" room it literally is "In-tune". At that point there is no need for trapping the energy. If there is any need in that department I make something called the Pressure Box, which set in the right place takes care of any extra in-room loading still going on. As far as the need for defusing in a Tuned Room, there is none because the sound pressure is now working with the speakers and the room not against each other.
RoomTuning and Tuning in general (Tunable speakers, electronics and all the tuning toys) is about restoring music not distorting. With the PZC’s being wood in the front, look at the Tuning Bolt. When you adjust these you re-voice the mechanical/acoustical interaction, exactly like what you are doing with a guitar, drum, piano or any other acoustical instrument. In other words what I do is turn your room and system into a musical instrument, instead of energies fighting each other they are tuned to work together.