Altec A7 yay or nay?

I have the opportunity to buy  Altec A7 cabinets ($100 a pair) and Horns ($260 a pair) without any cones to either.
The cabinets and grills are in great shape as is the Horn.
My question is, is it worth a punt? as a DIY project that has to be done on the cheap.
Any suggestions as to alternative cones/crossover would be greatly appreciated. 
The chap does have the crossover also, not sure what he is asking though.
This is more of a whim purchase and not a necessity.
I know one thing, it is going to be hard to slip them into the house without anyone noticing, lol...

I found that my A7s I dragged around  for PA use (mostly) from the early 70s well into the early 80s sounded amazing. Wooden...something...anyway mine were originally supplied with an Altec 15 which was just OK, but stick a JBL serious bass speaker like the D140 or later models in the things and you can do uncompressed bass slam to shake the neighborhood. I loved those things. 
Thanks guys for your input, much appreciated. It seems like a good deal even if they only end up in the garage. He did sell off the cones separately,  maybe made more money than selling the A7's as complete speakers one would imagine. 
As I have never heard a pair I do not know how they are with a Solid State amp as I am generally not to keen on tube amps, although I do have an very low hour Onix SP3 tube amp in its box somewhere. 
How are they with all types of music in a home setting?  I have read they are a bit bass shy, is that the case? I do have Klipschorns if I want the neighbors to hear my music and get the animals running for cover, lol....

I suggest buying a pair of JBL 2225 woofers (15 inch) for those Altec cabinets. I had a pair in large vintage JBL C - series cabinets. Can be found on EBay for less than $200/pair! 
Bass shy? Um.... No. They have plenty of bass output. It's just that they don't go real deep into the bass region. 40-45hz is just about it.  I had a pair of the home versions of  the A-7. Large squatty cabs with walnut finish (846-B). I loved those speakers. That was about 45 years ago. There's a pair on Audiogon right now I believe that are selling just south of $3000.

A company out there called Great Plains Audio makes and sells vintage drivers for all the older Altec's with compression drivers. They sell the woofers also. Probably not cheap, but you know the drivers will work properly if you buy from them.
Man, those some big boxes. I haven't heard a pair in years. Very common as part of a sound reinforcement system in the early days. I suspect the aftermarket for crossovers could raise the bar. Also wonder if a sub would make sense at some point to give you the bottom octaves. The hard part will getting them past your spousal unit with a 'nah, no big deal, they disappear into the decor.' 
Go for it! 