Interesting vintage find

I went to someone's house this week, and this is what I saw in the living room-

Apogee Scintilla speakers
Krell KSA-100 amp
Krell KRS-1A 4 chassis dual mono preamp
Mac MR80 Tuner
Sota Stat Sapphire turntable, with SME IV arm and VdH Cartridge (I think "The One")
Kenwood CD Player

All worked, and I felt like I was in a 1985 state of the art listening room
Time's a bitch. I dread the day I lose interest or get too old to bother. He really should power it up every few months. Last thing he needs is those Krell caps exploding.
a fantastic system, with the lack of tail chasing over the years, my guess is the LP collection is far more interesting :-) My great hope is the owner is well and happy...

but in the words of JJ Cale...

” but tommorow will come and take us away “
and I think this speaks to the wisdom of the owner...almost all of that gear can be serviced today by a near global network of passionate experts and or the companies which remain today, notably MC, SOTA, SME, etc...

i just had a SOTA from this era gone thru by the factory, stellar support, parts, etc....

cool thread, thanks for sharing
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