Amp - preamp or integrated

This topic has appeared in the past but I like to hear audiophile suggestions specially if they honest. I currently have the Rogue Chronus Magnum II. With Vandersteen 2 sig. Soon I will sell the house and will have some extra $ for upgrades. I have 4 questions:

Is the amp/ pre amp a better way to go than integrated? Two choices Rogue and Parasound.
Is the mono blocks / preamp an even better way to go?
If I decide to go with mono blocks, due budget considerations , I will be looking at used or an small company/audio engineer where I can keep the cost under 3000. If I go with a small company product, how do I know it is a good quality prod. Vs big companies like Rogue etc?

All your comments to all or any of my questions is highly appreciated. Thanks
I got a pair of used Rogue m150 monoblocks and a NAD preamp/tuner for a total of  $2600 and haven't looked back, system sounds amazing 
I also own a Rogue Cronus Magnum II (with which I'm very happy). The CMII does have 2 outputs (L/R) which can be used to drive a powered sub. They are the variable outputs.
So far I had my Vandys 2 sig for over 4 yrs. It seems im ready for a change or at least would be open to listen to others. Heard good things about the magnepans. They seem to require a good source or current which my Rogue CM did not supplied. So my dilemma is how much of my current equipment will I change.

Very few amps, regardless of price, are as musical as the CMII. I actually prefer the CMII to their ST-100 and Pharaoh integrated.

If you're interested in the magneplanar or electrostatic sound, but don't want any of the drawbacks (smeared - unrealistic imaging, poor bass extension, current sucking impedance, narrow sweet spot, and limited SPL ability) then look into Spatial Audio's open baffle speakers. 
At the price point you are considering ($5000) there are integrated amps that are quite competitive with same amount spent on separates. 

The issue I see is that your are considering the purchase of different speakers. There are many amps that can drive the Vandys that may not be suitable for others (Magnapans). 

If I were building a system around a pair of speakers I knew were to stay, I would probably look for an integrated amp unless use of separates would allow for better system placement within the room.

Not knowing which speaker I might try in the future would cause me to go in the direction of separates. I would consider mating a tube preamp with whatever (SS or tube) best serves my current speakers.
After decades of separates including McIntosh, Krell Classe I have opted for a Hegel H590. It has a to die for DAC and the amp technology of the H30. A bonus, it does a terrific job streaming with airplay, audirvana, Qobuz, and others. I don’t miss the complexity and extra cables of separates. Give it some consideration. This amp is a winner.