Ridge Street Audio Sason Owners

I'm waiting for my Sasons. Just wondering how many Sason owners are out there. Are you still enjoying them? Have any of you moved on to other speakers? If so, why?
Wow i'm suprised the Sasons need that much treatment

I'm a big proponent of room treatments however in my room less is more
Take a look at my system pics here on Audiogon i've used mostly absorption GIK as well

Still playing around with placement
IME, the amount of room treatment required depends more on the room than the speakers. Of course, dipole speakers require different combination of treatments than monopole speakers. At this point, the soundstaging and imaging are life-like...huge when required and intimate when called for. The tonal balance is nearly perfect to my ears. Haven't yet confirmed it with sound pressure meter. I found out the sibilance on vocals were caused by slap echo/flutter in the room, not my electronics, wires, or speakers. The diffusion pretty much got rid that problem.

Yes, I saw your room. Seems like a difficult room given the irregular room shape, but sometimes that works to one's benefit.

Are you going by Roberts recommendation on speaker placement, literally 2/3 into the room with listening seat nearly against the back wall? This can give very good sound stage, but I've encountered too much problems in other areas...bass boom, flutter/echo and sibilance especially on vocals.
I'm sort of doing my own thing
I can't have my speakers 2/3 into the room

The speakers are approx 4 feet from the back wall and I listen nearfield
I have realized these speakers need room to breath how far do you have them from the side walls

Any pics would be appreciated

Hi Pat, my speakers are about 3 feet from side wall (wall to tweeter). I don't have any pics yet, but will post when all room treatments are completed. Yes, the more space, the better the Sasons will sound. My Sasons will probably be between 7 to 9 feet from the wall behind them, when everything is finalized.
Looking forward to seeing pics of the completed
room thanks for the input

Enjoy your system(s)