Carver Raven 350 Amps

Has anyone heard these amps?
They supposedly can produce 350 watts per channel which in my opinion is remarkable for a tube amp. I have the Atma-Sphere M-60’s 3.3 and I love their tube sound.

But I am curious, Bob has made some very interesting products through the years.

I own the crimson 350s and they are amazing. They will drive a 1 ohm dip with no problem. I drive Carver amazing silvers (on Mr Cs recommendation) that will eat power and again they handle them easily. Plus you can try them for 30 days and send them back if you don’t like them.  Pair them with some pre amp specials some Carver dealers are doing and you will be amazed they are not $50000 +. I’ve been to AXPONA many times and I know $50000 + sounds like   Mine are warrantied tubes and all for 50 yrs per Mr C but 5 yrs tubes and all how can you beat that.  You can put your hand on the tubes after they have been playing for hrs.  No mods I see no reason to mod them but I have a psvane  type ll front end which I love.  You cannot go wrong.  Go listen to them. Then you will buy and live happily ever after 
The standard warranty is 10 long years tubes and all ....sorry for the error and some distributors give 60 day returns.  
Dracule1.  Just wondering if you ever ran your mod past Mr C or Jordan and if so what did they say?
Smokenjo. I run Psvanes type ll on the front end and they really opened up the soundstage and top end for me.  I love them. Give them a try they made a big difference over the stock although the stock vintage tubes are very good. 


When you say you are using the Psvanes on the front end, are you referring to the input tubes in the Carver 350?

I have been using Telefunken there. So, I wonder if the Psvanes would be better than the Telefunken's?
I may buy a set to try.
