Want to upgrade my cartridge from 2m blue to black

My first post here on the forums and I needed an honest opinion. I have a cheap music hall mmf 2.2 turntable with 2m blue installed. I like the sound but was wondering if I can get better details from upgrading to a black cartridge on my basic turntable. Would it be worth it? I’m definitely an analog lover but am budget constrained. Any feedback will be greatly appreciated.
When the OP asked for a cartridge upgrade is not a good idea to tell him he must buy another turntable first.
In your opinion, which you have yet to demonstrate is based on any actual experience with the turntable the OP has. I would have welcomed that kind of advice before I spent the money I did trying to upgrade that table only to discover later there was a more cost effective and more impactful option. The OP has made a decision and moved on. Perhaps you should consider doing the same. 
I did recommeded a much better turntables if he would consider it with $1200-1500 budget (not with $700 budget), those turntables are brand new Technics direct drive. If you think an upgrade from one belt drive to another belt drive (actually just a different version of the same turntable) was so noticeable for you then you have to try a decent direct drive and if your ears are so sensible to turntable (not to a cartridge or stylus profile) you must be blown away by the Technics. But using a mediocre cartridge on any good turntable is a perversion.
I recently acquired a JVC  QL-Y66F direct drive table with a Stanton 981 HZ cartridge for $545. Much better table than the music hall 2.2. Music hall 5.X tables are often available with a decent cart for around $500. I just sold one for a little less than that. 

I was just curious on that Astatic mf300, not going to buy it.

But I did buy the mf100 so hope it lives up to your recommendation!
