Long-Term Amp Storage Without Use: Bad Idea???

Hi All.  I've got a nice set of Cary EL-34 tube monoblocks which I haven't used for 2 years.  I put them up for sale, but then decided I'd rather hold on to them for a later day.  That later day could be years from now, maybe even a decade.  I don't expect to pull them out and "exercise" them to keep them in shape.  Is this a bad idea?  I've heard capacitors tend to dry out if left unplayed for too long. Thanks in advance to those who have knowledge in this area. 
Electrolytics tend to dry out no matter what.

I am in the Marie Kondo world view of gear. Use it or sell it, don't store it.
 I know what you mean Eric… But they are kind of rare and all tricked out! 
But they are kind of rare and all tricked out!

Well, that's just what you want to keep in storage. :)

Seriously though, simplify and minimize and it will help you focus on your goals.

Be well,