One Amp To ‘Rule’ Them All....

Is there one amplifier that everyone can agree on as a contemporary standard? An amplifier that can be considered a standard in both the studio and in a home stereo setup?

What one amplifier does everything very well and can be found in homes and in professional audio engineering environments?

What amp covers all the bases and gives you a glimpse into all qualities of fine musical reproduction?

...something Yamaha? ...something McIntosh?

BTW the posts so far are leaning away from the idea that one amp "rules" them all. Audiophiles here are offering different amps and I will predict that list will get longer. I doubt you will come to a consensus on ONE amp.
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One preamp to rule them all; one dac to rule them all; one speaker to rule them all; one transport to rule them all, tt, tonearm, cartridge, pc, interconnect, speaker cable, isolation devices, and on, and on and on. Are you kidding ?