Does this exist? Preamp/Streamer/DAC with MQA, Roon and more

I'm looking for a particular set of features that seem to be very hard to find in a stereo (2.1) product. My budget is preferably around $2,500 but there is some flexibility. Here's what I would like:

Must have
-Network streamer
-Roon endpoint
-MQA compatible (not interested in your opinion of MQA)

Want to have
-HDMI inputs/output for video switching only and 2 channel audio (to allow TV sound through stereo)
-Room correction
-Subwoofer management

I recently purchased the newly released NAD C658 which, when adding the optional HDMI module, covers every must have and want to have (Dirac room correction is coming in a later FW update) for a total of $1,800. Perfect! The problem is that so far the thing sounds lousy. I'm trying to let it burn in more and see if Dirac comes and makes it better, but it's not looking good after the first few days. The DAC seems to be the problem. It seems to suffer from audible time smearing and sounds too clinical and harsh so I am suspect about Dirac helping with that.

I've also seen the SimAudio Moon 390 but it's $5,300 and doesn't have room correction or subwoofer management. On the less expensive end, SimAudio also has the Moon Ace for $2,900 which has the same features as the 390, minus the HDMI inputs. I'd use the preouts to my own amp since the Ace is an integrated amp.

Then there is the Aurender A10. It costs even more than the Moon 390 and doesn't have HDMI inputs.

Cambridge Audio has some well regarded streamers but they aren't Roon compatible.

Finally, there is the PS Audio DirectStream and DirectStream Junior. I recently purchased the DSJr since it can be had close to my budget and while it sounds incredible as a streamer and DAC, it's not viable as a preamp. I spoke to PS Audio about this and they recommend using a separate preamp for the DS and especially for the Jr. I can't remember exactly why but they told me the signal to noise ratio when used straight into an amp wasn't ideal. I tested this myself and found that the DSJr sounded better even running through a Marantz AV receiver as preamp than it did straight into my amp (the receiver uses pre-outs to the same amp). I don't want to run a DSJr through a Marantz receiver and if I blow the budget on the DAC, I won't be able to get a capable preamp worthy of mating with it. Plus I'm really trying to get down to fewer boxes.

Are there any other options out there that I'm missing?

I agree with the poster who wrote SQ is not going to be too good if all the items on your list are included at the price point you are shooting for.

BTW, Why the HDMI interface? I2s? DSD?

that bit alone I think is the main obstacle all else being considered.

from what I've read most of the mo better, mo competent DAC/preamps are well above the 3K entry fee. although My tech and Bench mark get a lot of pub on these forums so you might want to check them out.

I've found immense flexibility and great sound don't often go hand in hand.

good luck to you.
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HDMI is desirable since there is a TV in the family room along with my stereo setup. Ideally I would use the same speakers for the TV sound. All I need is a place to run my HDMI sources through. It doesn’t need to do any processing, just capture the audio and switch between the sources.

An HDMI switcher with an optical output to send 2-channel audio into a preamp/DAC costs $40 on Amazon. Not sure why that should add a great deal to the cost of a product, but that’s why it’s on the want list, not the must have list. I can just buy the $40 box. I’m not that concerned about ultimate fidelity of the TV sound anyway.

I don’t agree that it should be hard to find everything in the must have list. The PS Audio DSJr meets everything on the must have list except being a good preamp. I’d take some loss in sound quality for added preamp functionality. The NAD I bought meets everything on both lists. If I add $1k to the cost of that product, shouldn't I be able to get better performance?

Thanks for the Mytek suggestion. The new Brooklyn Bridge model is $3k and covers the full must have list so I need to check it out a bit more.
@ OP   I'm saying this with respect and politely, so please take it as such.

I believe you are asking for too much. Nothing at all wrong with that, but it will lead to compromises (in the plural).

My suggestion would be to look at a very recent previous generation top of the line receiver. It will also address your amplification needs, especially if you can bi-amp, even if you end up not using all the channels. If you want to keep the amplification separate then the same approach with respect to a HT oriented Pre/Pro. 

I think there are marginally improved receivers / pre/pros released in the spring by the major players (unless that has changed), so the timing may work in your favor.

All the best finding what will suit your needs and preferences.
The Mytek Brooklyn Bridge looks to be a very interesting piece.
As owner of an older Brooklyn I can attest to its very solid DAC performance, superb headphone amp and MQA ability although i never tried it as a preamp as I use an integrated amp.
However I am  now spoiled after trying a Chord DAVE, life will never be the same again.....