One Amp To ‘Rule’ Them All....

Is there one amplifier that everyone can agree on as a contemporary standard? An amplifier that can be considered a standard in both the studio and in a home stereo setup?

What one amplifier does everything very well and can be found in homes and in professional audio engineering environments?

What amp covers all the bases and gives you a glimpse into all qualities of fine musical reproduction?

...something Yamaha? ...something McIntosh?

One preamp to rule them all; one dac to rule them all; one speaker to rule them all; one transport to rule them all, tt, tonearm, cartridge, pc, interconnect, speaker cable, isolation devices, and on, and on and on. Are you kidding ?

     I understand your preference for a disciplined scientific approach to audio with standards and an agreed upon language devoted to it   All words, terms and concepts would be clearly defined and their usage very strictly obeyed.

     I think many of us recognize you are on an enlightened path that's ultimately leading to establishing logic and order to a currently chaotic HEA environment.

     I believe all Audiogon members, even some of our dimmer brethren, realize we should applaud your vision and encourage your efforts towards discovering the "One Amp To Rule Them All".
    Now, for  the Good News! (you should probably sit down before proceeding.):

     We all voted and decided to put you in charge of transforming the chaotic HEA environment into the inspired and orderly environment you've envisioned and detailed.
     Unfortunately, this is an unpaid position but you do have the remainder of your lifetime as the allotted timeframe.
    Best wishes on your mission and please let us know when it's completed.



"I have to ask, who are you hanging around?"

I spend most of my days with people in their twenties, late twenties. Kind of people whose primary and, according to them, sufficient source of music is an iPhone (or similar). When it comes to sound, they are far from those sparse few who asked you to tune their rooms. When it comes to the rest of your description of twenty-somethings, you are spot on.

I am fully aware that people have hobbies and that someone’s hobby may be changing equipment or room or something else. They are no worse than those who like simplicity of on/off button and not much else. Tuning and tweaking is great for whoever likes to do it, for money or for fun, but it does not make those who do not do it any less correct.

Yes, I took the cover of an amplifier off and no, it did nothing. Yes, it was "walking" and I apologize that I could not report same findings as you. It may be, at least in part, due to a lack of financial interest I have in listening to music.

EDIT: One of those twenty-somethings I interact with these days finished SUNY Oneonta and highly praised the sound in that building you were involved with. Even many years later, you do get praises. I thought you might find it rewarding.

Yes, but I can’t divulge that info because I’ll have to pay a premium when I need to replace mine.
And I won’t tell you my favorite surf spot...
The amps you mention are not there.
If we are to take amps that are used BOTH at home and in studios, here’s a list of actuals, not suppositions:
- Benchmark AHB2
- FM Acoustics
- JMF Audio
and the list is not much longer than that. Most amps used in studios are not used at home, and of course vice-versa...
Now one amp to rule them all doesn't exist, but there's quite a long list of absolutely brilliant amps which we have all heard, read about or maybe listened to.
I am using a pair of Gryphon Mephisto and I have yet to see or hear something they cant do!! my other preference goes to Pass XA amps, but I could live with any good amp, from classA, AB, ABH to D. The Benchmark are probably one of the best sounding for the cost, and the Spec for classD...absolutely excellent!!