Tekton Design's new THE PERFECT SET equals "goosebumps time"

Just got in house for review for hometheaterreview.com Tekton Design’s new, The Perfect SET, which is close to 100dB efficient and never dips below 8 ohms, which Eric built to be used with SET "flea watt" amplifiers. It is a front ported design using a 12 inch woofer and his patented array of small transducers that function as a midrange driver with a single tweeter in the middle. I set them up in a system with a great 2A3 SET amplifier and found them so superlative I did not stop listening for over five hours! Taking about "goosebump time" the music was so beautiful that
I lost track of time.

These speakers have all the virtues of the other Tekton speakers, speed, utter transparency/micro-details, great soundstaging, and that special "aliveness" that I experience when I listen to my Ulf’s. What really amazed me was what the Perfect SET was delivering on the bottom end frequencies, subterrainian/taut powerful bass, that was shaking the room, all coming from at most 2.5 to 3 watts.

If you love SET amplifiers this speaker is a match made in heaven, and remember this pair just arrived and is not totally burnt in yet.

Hey roadwarrior75,

Yes, I have used the Coda #8 on these speakers.  Love the amplifier and it sounds great with the PS speaker.  As I have shared before, even though Eric designed this speaker as a prefect match with SET "flea watt" amplifiers, they sound superlative with very high current/wattage amps like the Coda/Threshold/Bricasti/Pass Labs, which are all great sounding amplifiers.
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thanks for the info...

was looking to add  the  SET speakers  for a second system,they sound like a great match with my Threshold S/350e amp!

will the Coda #8 blow away my Threshold. enjoyed your review on the Coda #8 

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@teajay  Thanks for your gracious hospitality, and allowing Bon @jayctoy and me into your house to listen to your systems!  We certainly enjoyed it, and the listening session was not only enjoyable, but also educational.  Oh, and you have a beautiful house too!

My biggest takeaway was that the Perfect SETS and the Ulfs are very different sounding speakers, and ultimately, which one you prefer will depend on the music you mostly listen to and your sonic preferences. For me, the PS hit all my buttons. I preferred their more immediate (note that I would not consider them "in your face") and intimate presentation, which is not all that different from my Tekton monitors.   With the ULFs, I have never heard the sense of soundstage scale as they portrayed, and the  dynamics were.... simply stunning; you easily heard the boundaries of the hall / studio / room, etc., and you easily felt the transient response of drums and other percussion in a real, and unexaggerated way.  Orchestral music flowed out with ease, as did Holly Cole.  

Bottom line for me, I preferred the Perfect SET for it's Row 1-5 presentation over the Ulfs mid-hall presentation, but that's only me and my preferences, since I don't listen to massively complex music like orchestral fare.  

What's even crazier, is the disparity between the costs of the two speakers.... that big gap makes no sense to me, but that makes the Perfect SET a screaming bargain!

Going back to the theme of this thread.... "goosebump time"?? Oh yeah!

Thanks again @teajay !