There are a lot of Class D Custom amplifiers thst are Very good .
i have owned SET amps ,hybrids,class A, class AB .
I now own a class D Amp from The Danish company Gato Audio
the Latest 400-S Which use Pascal Amps also from Denmark ,they totally modify them with Analog input,and output sections
Jeff Roland use these and a Very good . Mark Levenson ,Classe
and a bunch of others are finally seeing digital potential .bydesigning custom inputs and outputs to complement the lowest distortions in the industry as well as high powercooler running ,it is like digital music with now MQA it just keeeps progressing. Every class of Amplifier can be very good if designed
properly ,no more thin not involving digital .i am speaking of
Digital $5k and up .finally digital has progressed a lot in the last few years , even Digital from NAD is very now respectable .
i have owned SET amps ,hybrids,class A, class AB .
I now own a class D Amp from The Danish company Gato Audio
the Latest 400-S Which use Pascal Amps also from Denmark ,they totally modify them with Analog input,and output sections
Jeff Roland use these and a Very good . Mark Levenson ,Classe
and a bunch of others are finally seeing digital potential .bydesigning custom inputs and outputs to complement the lowest distortions in the industry as well as high powercooler running ,it is like digital music with now MQA it just keeeps progressing. Every class of Amplifier can be very good if designed
properly ,no more thin not involving digital .i am speaking of
Digital $5k and up .finally digital has progressed a lot in the last few years , even Digital from NAD is very now respectable .