Focal Mini Utopia vs Merlin MXe

Is this a fair comparision(sound quality wise ignoring price)? Looking for comments from people who owned both speakers for good length of time. I own mini utopia and Quad 989s and love them both. Trying to simplify and get full range speaker which will better both mini and quads (bass, imaging, stage depth & width, seamless in crossover transition) for 50% jazz and 50% Classical. This is new system building so open for amplifiers choice but leaning towards Transendent sound OTL. Please keep this discussion limited to these two speakers. Space limitation is making me sell my quads. Thanks.

See this thread for a robust, detailed and full exchange on the MasterBam and Master RC networks with the remarkable Duelund caps.

I think the balanced connection is of very minimal, if any benefit, and I don't think you can get an AVC that is balanced - though it can be built at much greater expense. So far, my test have told me that AVC is better than TVC, that is I think the Bent with Slagle is better than my experience with S&B MK1 tranformers.

The Ars is warmer than the RM10MKII, more meat on the bone as they say, and it is a beautiful looking unit. Ultimately, I preferred the transparency and speed of the RM10MKII - can't say which is better, it is a matter of taste. What I like about the RM10, besides sound is that it is small, uses almost no power in idle, the tubes are cheap, and the run for 10,000 hours according to Roger - you also get to play with different preamps. The darn thing works awfully well with a passive pre - Roger sells a Pot-in-the-Box with some old Noble potentiometers for $135!!!, but it would certainly work great with the Bent. I was out of the passive scene for a while, but tried the Goldpoint again and realized the passives with the right amp are incredible, I've decided to play with some more upscale passives including the Lightspeed and I suspect Bent or an Slagle variant again - the Music Reference amps thrive on passives with there low sensitivity. For $1,300 (Passive with a used RM10, you would have one heck of a good sounding system. -Better than the Ars? that is a matter of taste, the Ars is certainly a very, very good integrated.
I have an ARS Filarmonia and love it. I don't have a ton of experience with tube amplifiers, but the combination of this little amp plus the VSM-MMe's with Master BAM and RC's sounds amazing to me. I hear solid-state-like speed and authority combined with the refinement of tubes. Plus, I love the fact that it's small and doesn't get too hot.
Pubul 57'

Thank you for a very informative post. I am positive I would love AVC with RM10MKII. One reason to get Merlin was its resolution and transparency and extremely neutral character. Coming from Quad 989 and OTL amplifiers (..very transparent by nature), I am encouraged to hear about AVC/RM combo's transparency (..I guess more of good thing). TG audio speaker cables are slightly on the warmer side and I think would balance the sound overall. One big plus going a properly designed AVC route is attaining pitch black soundstage and excellent low level dynamics. One question though is, compared to ARS, do you find AVC/RM combo "thin" sounding? Also, any opinion on RM9 vs RM10? Also, which AVC preamp in your opinion is superior?
Again appreciate your insight into AVCs and Merlins. Thanks.
The Bent/RM10/9 is anything but thin, that word does not cross my mind. The RM9 is a little warmer than the 10, but they are very much the work of the same designer, now 162 watts (on my RM9 SE) or (125 watts on the standard RM9 is still quite a bit more power than 35 watts and I imagine with certain kinds of music (orchestral?)you might notice that power difference - I don't notice it at all on jazz, which is mostly what I listen to. The best AVC? Bent Tap - nothing better in terms of ergonomics, volume control, remote convenience, but I would imagine it would be very similar sonically to some of the other Slagle-centric AVCs, one sold by Dave Slagle directly.... I think I am going to buy one again - the RM10 and a passive just work so well together. Just tried the Goldpoint Attenuator and remebered why I liked passives so much to begin with. Now I will try the Lightspeed Attenuator and a Bent Tap-X. Clio9 has tried both and finds them to be very close in sound, I think the Bent, based on his description sound like it might be a bit warmer, but he isn't using Merlins.