I think the balanced connection is of very minimal, if any benefit, and I don't think you can get an AVC that is balanced - though it can be built at much greater expense. So far, my test have told me that AVC is better than TVC, that is I think the Bent with Slagle is better than my experience with S&B MK1 tranformers.
The Ars is warmer than the RM10MKII, more meat on the bone as they say, and it is a beautiful looking unit. Ultimately, I preferred the transparency and speed of the RM10MKII - can't say which is better, it is a matter of taste. What I like about the RM10, besides sound is that it is small, uses almost no power in idle, the tubes are cheap, and the run for 10,000 hours according to Roger - you also get to play with different preamps. The darn thing works awfully well with a passive pre - Roger sells a Pot-in-the-Box with some old Noble potentiometers for $135!!!, but it would certainly work great with the Bent. I was out of the passive scene for a while, but tried the Goldpoint again and realized the passives with the right amp are incredible, I've decided to play with some more upscale passives including the Lightspeed and I suspect Bent or an Slagle variant again - the Music Reference amps thrive on passives with there low sensitivity. For $1,300 (Passive with a used RM10, you would have one heck of a good sounding system. -Better than the Ars? that is a matter of taste, the Ars is certainly a very, very good integrated.