Tube amplifier suggestion for 101 dB speakers

Hello All,

I've been using the Tyler Acoustics PD30s with Classé Sigma solid state preamp and amp combination.
These speakers have two 15" woofers and a horn tweeter, 4 ohm, sensitivity 101 dB.
The above combination is not the best, especially for complex rock music, the highs start to distort, they are harsh, just bad. Never had tube gears, but after reading a bit, these speakers apparently scream for tubes. Actually somebody brought over a hobbyist-made tube amp and yes, the speakers were tamed.
I'm willing to switch to a tube amp but prefer to keep the ss preamp.
Can anybody recommend a few good tube amp matches here, for a max of 3K new or used. Room is just a good medium size. I want something that I can keep for many years if possible and being somehow flexible to tube rolling.

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remember, 80% of the sound is made in the first 20wpc.

if you are not yet a brand snob, the BC Crimson stereo amp is a real over achiever and will supply enough power I suspect for your transducers.

I have no dog in this hunt what so ever but have heard the crimson recently and thought it an exceptional amp at well above its price point .

so I’ll also say ‘plus one for the Carver crimson 75wpc stereo tube amp’.

at well under $3K, with as was said, a 30 day trial… tell me, exactly what can you possibly lose by giving one an audition in your own room?

it beats buying on speculation AND adds to your Experience.


it is a manual bias amp.

has 4 & 8 ohm taps.

RE Auto vs manual bias

this is pretty much a pick ‘em debate. it lays in the who’s making the auto bias amp IMO.

on the other hand, a manual bias amp enables the ‘tweeker’ in us the opportunity to check and recheck bias every 12 minutes or so. loll

usually manual biased amps as has been said, hold bias well. that ins once they’re run in some. 

AS Ralph said, once you hear the effect tubes have with detail and so forth, you will either dig them/it or not. if you do like the presentation, obtaining a preamp that as well is glass topology will enhance and ordinarily  escalate the overall performance level and bring more ‘life’ or ‘reality’ into the room.

tube amps generally capture more reality given the same dolar amount as SS amps. 

in other words, it takes an  lot more money in SS to do what tubes do for very often much less.  

again, IMHO.

as for which tubes are still out there? well there is a finite supply. especially in New Old Stock (NOS) tubes. 

don’t let that stop you or scare ya. therre are still enough solid choices and availability to enjoy some occasional tube swapping or ‘rolling’.

Google is your friend so use it. I think there is a pretty good primer on the sound of this or that tube called “Joes’ tube lore’… I think. he is mighty close on what many of those tubes provide sQ wise. 

once you’ve settled on tube amps, if that is your choice, there are tons of folks here who have a wealth of EXP with various tube brands, and types. 

just ask.

it may seem daunting but really its not. 

good luck!!

shkong78 wrote:

The used ST-100 could be best starting point for you.

If you change stock 12AX7 to Telefuken( around 200$ per pair) and 12Au7 to Amperex NOS (around 120$ per pair), it sound very nice.
Tungsol KT 120 is good and not much choice for tube rolling.
It is not that difficult to adjust bias manually.
Once you do it, it keeps the value for several months or more.
The Rogue ST-100 definitely looks interesting to me as I said before.
Since I want to get involved manual bias won't be a problem, actually would prefer that.
By the way, did these amps have different generations thru the years? Probably not, but the only thing I see that the user manual from their website was issued in summer 2013.
I propose: Unison research unico 100, Copland CTA 501 tube power,Phatos Logos,Jadis DA 50 s en -DA 30. You will hear the difference . Jadis and Copland the best for their price. Look at 2hands