How to DIY yourself very nice Class D monoblocks

If you want to know what the hoopla is about Class D and want to put together a very nice sounding kit I have a starter recommendation for you.

Go to Parts Express and search for "ICEPower ASP"
Next, look online for Ghent Audio. They make many sets of cases.

You'll need a high power soldering iron, and screw skills.
Between those two, you can put together a very nice monoblock for around $500 a piece.

I highly recommend both. I have no financial interest in either. 
You may need wiring kits, so make sure to order appropriately.
Check out this Nord amp.  It is the exact same price in USD as the Hypex NC400 kit, but it comes with the NC500 module, an input buffer, a bigger power supply, and it's already assembled.

If you buy the stereo version, it's actually cheaper than two Hypex mono kits.

I’d be more inclined to have a go at these, USA made sold and backed.

Proper linear power supplies with Toroidal transformers, not noisy switch mode ones.
And these are far less costly than the Euro alternatives, also come in kit or assembled.

And these guys are soon to release a GaN technology Class-D, they know where the progression of Class-D sound quality is coming from

Cheers George

Sorry, George, I was comparing similar amps to each other.  What you linked to is not even close and then you mentioned something that doesn't even exist yet. 
Thanks for the thread. Is there a good source on how to assemble these properly, once parts are acquired?
..Parts express ice asp modules and ghent enclosures.

Sorry @recluse but I recommend the DIYaudio website as a great place for electronics noobs to get help and advice.

