A DAC that can make digital sound analog?

Hi All,

I have a ModWright Oppo 105D. It’s excellent....but it sure don’t sound like vinyl or tape.

What DACs have you heard that really work like magic on digital audio files? 

I am interested in DACs that kill that digital glare/blare, that gives you that sense of ‘blackness’ or ‘darkness’ to the audio soundscape, really letting you hear into the mix...ya know that layering, space and depth that is very evident on tape.

Very curious to hear your thoughts.

Not sure if this has been mentioned but the writer in this article finds that the Audio Research CD9’s DAC creates analog-like sound, even compares it to vinyl. Not sure if the DAC can be used separate from the transport.

(Edit: It can and even has a USB input.)

I’m also guessing it costs a fortune.

(Edit: It does. $13,000.)
Why would you want a analog sound ? What is the benefit . Analog should be striving for a digital sound these days . 
“The Heart wants what it wants - or else it does not care”

Emily Dickinson
  A DAC that can make digital sound analog?

This was an interesting shootout, and the winner, also the most analogue and smooth sounding. Was the oldest one, a Theta DS Pro an old PCM63 R2R based dac.

Cheers George


i now have reel to reel tape in my system. With this extra point of reference, now having heard vinyl, tape and digital, I can really hear ‘digital’ when I listen to it.

depth of soundstage is compressed, the glass between me and ‘the event’ seems thicker and performers more pressed up agaianst it. glare cuts through at moments, glare also enlarges and distorts the scale of instruments. and there seems to be less contrast, less quiet, less space for me and my ears. It’s a bit like digital is shouting at all times (regardless of volume), like digital is an ‘all on’ proposition with no off.