Acurus RL11 Mods

Does anybody know who does the upgrade modification to these units?
I would LOVE the contact info, as well... I've got an RL-11 that was collecting dust, and I'd like to put it back into service again. I remember it had issues with the high's... almost screechy at times.
I just received a rl11 and am interested in contact info regarding mods so do pass that info on to me if you would. 
Can you also let me know this person's contact information? I have the original DIA100 driving a pair of outdoor speakers and would like to look into this. Thank you! 
Anyone interested in upgrading Acurus equipment should contact Kevin Chambers at . As of the Summer of 2020 Kevin will delay work until cooler weather in the fall. As far as work done, he has worked on my A200, RL-11, LS-11 equipment to perfection. I can't give Kevin enough praise, he does great work. You can't go wrong with Kevin's work on Acurus gear. Anyone wishing further information as to my personal experience with Kevin can pm me.