Vandersteen 2ce Signature and Signature 2?

Any way to tell the 2ce Signature to the 2ce Signature2? 
Despite being 'long in the tooth', Vandy's have always outperformed the competitors both in sound and price.
Indeed. The Vandy 2 is an easy recommendation at its price point, even double its price point. As for "long in the tooth", that overlooks that it is a well-established classic that is also frequently upgraded despite a stable model designation.
Great to read that the carbon technology is trickling down to the 2s. 

I would be very tempted to stretch to the VLR CT with a subwoofer or two.


No carbon drivers in the 2! Altho’ a previous iteration of the 5 midrange in now in the 2.
I bought my 2ce SigII’s from a dealer and they have both the 30th Anniversary decal and Richards signature. I could not part with them unless I bought the Quatro CT Wood. I would agree with the earlier comment that they sound better with each incremental amount of clean power. The stands and additionally proper placement also play a pivotal role in getting the very best sound from them. I have mine bi-wired with Analysis Plus Oval brown speaker cables.
I also own the VLR's.
As I am using them in my office, and more like monitors (way up near the ceiling with some angle downward), I have to say they also outperform well beyond their price. Previously, I had a pair of Zu Omen Bookshelves. They were good but not great. The VLR's smoke them.
If you will be using them on stands and adding subs, I don't think you will be disappointed. Especially with CT's, you would be coming close (70-80%) to a pair of Treo/Quatro's at an unbelievably low cost. Though I would suggest going for the new Sub 3's. Even a pair of 1's with subs is pretty killer.
My office system
Hsu VTE-1 Mk2 subs
Modded McCormack Micro Line Drive
Modded McCormack Micro Power Amp Monoblocks 
Ayre Codex
Bluesound Node
and alot of AQ interconnects
A bit much, but I couldn't ask for more.