The Science of Cables

It seems to me that there is too little scientific, objective evidence for why cables sound the way they do. When I see discussions on cables, physical attributes are discussed; things like shielding, gauge, material, geometry, etc. and rarely are things like resistance, impedance, inductance, capacitance, etc. Why is this? Why aren’t cables discussed in terms of physical measurements very often?

Seems to me like that would increase the customer base. I know several “objectivist” that won’t accept any of your claims unless you have measurements and blind tests. If there were measurements that correlated to what you hear, I think more people would be interested in cables. 

I know cables are often system dependent but there are still many generalizations that can be made.

I have been trying to avoid a name game here.

OK here are two that claim to use Graphene in their cables: Courious Technologies - Graphene Matrix and Graphene Extreme;
Mad Scientist - Flexible Carbon/Graphene
Both covered here on AG in previous threads.

Liquid, semi conductor fluid for conductors - already discussed in this thread

Some cables costing near or in excess of $1K per ft: Audio Quest - WEL Signature @ $7,500.00 ea. for IM. (nearly $2,5K per ft); Audio Quest - Wild Blue Yonder @ $4,500 ea. per 1M (nearly 1.5K per ft.; Purist - Dominus Luminest, speaker cable @ $12,480 for 2.5M pr. ($780. per ft. for ea. cable; Purist - Luminus 30th Aniversity, Power Cord @ $15,000 ea. 1M (nearly $5,000 per ft.

Still waiting to hear what industry, other than HEA, uses $1K per ft signal transfer cable, much less $5,000. per ft. 120v power cords.

Hey, here’s a news flash! Graphene is used in road bicycle inner tubes now. And graphene has been used in tennis racquets for years. No big deal. Don’t get hung up on new words. And don’t be a neophobia.

Here’s another news flash for you. Graphene doesn’t really have to be the classic one molecule thick two-dimensional Graphene to be effective. That much is clear.
Ok. Maybe I can help out here again. Wordsmithing contests can post to the following thread:

Where .. it is always interesting in how one can usually tell that an entrenched position will not change no matter how good the argument is.

That thing about how 90% what a person interprets in another bit of screed, comes from the reader... as 90% of the live cues used in wording interpretation are missing in ’just screed’. So most pronouncements are generally, a huge reflection of who the person actually is and has little to do with anything else.

There are a few where that will not change, not change at any price, any price that can be delivered by screed on forums. Too much personal investment.

And, taking what I feel is a fully correct swipe at some of the pseudonym hiders, usually they hide behind pseudonyms so they can dish out the kind of projected junk they would never utter in person to anyone or any group.

Note to projectors. Thanks for showing us who and what you really are.
I have been trying to avoid a name game here ... OK here are two that claim to use Graphene in their cables: Courious Technologies - Graphene Matrix and Graphene Extreme; cerioustechnologies.comMad Scientist - Flexible Carbon/Graphene ...
So you're just going to name the cables, and not tell us the claims made for them to which you object?
... the wild claims of some of these high priced cable guys - some of which already facing, or have faced, suits and fines for false claims and improper business practices
Similarly, you're going to reference these mythical "suits and fines," but not identify them? Is your dissatisfaction solely that some of these cables are expensive?